A recent Pew Research study found that most US adults answered digital-related questions correctly only less than half of the time. Some security-related questions, such as two-factor authentication, were correctly answered by only 28% of the surveyed US adults. 49% of those surveyed were unsure what private browsing is, while only 24% knew that a private browser session only hides the browsing history of other users on the same computer. There was also a high level of uncertainty in answering some of the questions, and the level of incorrect answers varied by educational status and age. I don’t blame the citizens for their lack of knowledge of the digital world. At least the majority understood phishing scams and browser cookies. Technology companies (and governments for public safety) should invest more money and resources to educate the world about technology, safety, and security because they own it. The digital world will only get even more complex over time, and we don’t want to become less knowledgeable than we ought to be.