Each time I ask bilingual (English + another language) students or professionals working on machine learning if they considered doing a project for their non-English mother tongue language, such as Hindi, Spanish, or Arabic, they would look surprised. Yes, there are many publications in various languages, but how often do you see innovative products for non-English customers, even in English-speaking nations? The US has a vast immigration population and houses neighborhoods that don’t speak English. Why not develop more intelligent products with deep learning that targets non-English recipients and not just develop another translation software every time? We need to think beyond the status quo of research, products, software, and predominately English publications. It is challenging, I admit, because it is so easy to code in English with an English programming language syntax, editor, OS, and GUI, and it is also hard to find a non-English corpus. Mandarin is an exception in all this here. Overall, it is not impossible to do more for non-English speaking societies.