Cheers to Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer, and Grace Hopper, who pioneered computer programming with COBO. Cheers to all the women in tech who run code, projects, teams, and companies. But all the cheering is not enough. We need more diversity and inclusion in the computing workforce. According to, only 26% of the computing workforce in 2017 were women, less than 5% were Asian, 3% were African American, and 1% were Hispanic. In addition, only 17% of the 3.5 million computer-related job openings in 2026 will be filled by bachelor students. Those numbers are worrisome if they stay that way. But there is hope for the new generation. Last year, I participated in a career fair at a nearby middle school near my home in the Dallas metroplex. I noticed over 50% of the participants who attended my session about technology were girls. Many of them said they are curious about how the computer works. It is promising because it shows an additional interest in technology beyond the natural consumption of tech by the younger generation. Curiosity for the techie is critical!